Cattle Tags
Tamperproof metal tags, large and small flag tags, button tags and applicators.
Tamperproof No.2 Cattle Tag Applicator
Designed for quick, confident tag application.
Combi 2000® Large
Moulded from strong yet highly flexible plastic, these DEFRA-approved tags are intended for use with cattle and calves for primary & secondary identification.
Combi 2000® Small
DEFRA-approved as a secondary tag. Available in several colours,.
Combi 2000® Button
The smallest tag in the range, the DEFRA-approved Combi 2000® Button is for use as secondary identification in cattle. It can also be used for sheep and pigs.
Tissue Test Tag (BVD)
For use with cattle and calves as primary or secondary tissue testing tag. Tissue Sampling Tags: Tag and Test now available. Please call on 01737 812218 to order TST / BVD Cattle Tags